Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Ignorance Of Sex Education Has Left Our World Suffering From A Variety

Obliviousness of sex instruction has left our reality experiencing an assortment of venereal ailments, fetus removal, ignored kids, and tragically enough, even passing. This is an intense issue for our kids today as well as for offspring of things to come ages. Wellsprings of instruction are accessible all over the place, however there are not helpful on the off chance that they go unnoticed. Sex training should start at home with the guardians, however on the off chance that the guardians are awkward talking about the subject or not reluctant to assume responsibility for this touchy subject, there should be an outside source to help fill this void: the school. Youngsters need to know the nuts and bolts, for example, what illnesses are dangers, which ones are treatable and which are not, exactly how genuine these maladies are, pregnancy, and obligation. Accordingly, sex instruction ought to be a piece of the educational program for kids in the middle school Numerous youngsters in middle school know there are explicitly transmitted maladies, however many don't understand exactly how compromising these sicknesses are. Living in a little network, numerous young accept that getting an explicitly transmitted infection will never transpire. In any case, our kids need to realize that there are infections in our nation like Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Genital Warts, Hepatitis, and even AIDS. Since 1986, Syphilis cases have expanded by 100 percent (Haas and Haas 441). These sorts of realities should be drawn out into the open. In any case, since we educate our youngsters regarding these illnesses doesn't imply that they won't get them, yet they despite everything should be educated regarding the quantity of maladies that are hopeless and can prompt demise. Maladies, however, are not every one of our young people need to stress over. Pregnancy is another significant concern. The United States has the most elevated pace of high schooler pregnancy and births in the Western acculturated world (Shake Heights). Our youngsters need to realize that newborn children destined to adolescent moms are substantially more liable to have medical issues (Shake Heights). By illuminating them regarding conception prevention, we are not really saying it is alright to proceed to have intercourse, however on the off chance that they decide to, they will at any rate be learned. On the off chance that we decide not to illuminate them, it at that point becomes at any rate somewhat our duty that they got pregnant. Notwithstanding illuminating youngsters regarding illnesses and pregnancy, we can show them obligation, and abstain from managing a choice on premature birth. In Arizona alone a year ago, there were 11,738 revealed instances of premature birth (AZ Abortion). Today the least difficult fetus removal system that can be performed by and large expenses around 300 dollars (Glazer). Additionally, 83% of our provinces here in the United States don't give offices where premature births might be performed (Glazer). The choice to prematurely end a pregnancy can scar a high school mother's life regardless of what choice she make. To keep the youngster implies difficulty, yet not to keep the kid can likewise be intellectually startling. Instructing our kids about sexuality and making them progressively learned about it doesn't pass on the message that sex is alright. What amount can we truly control our kids when we can't be with them each moment of the day? A few guardians are terrified to converse with their youngsters, so the assistance at school could profit the kid and guardians, and potentially prevent a significant difficulty from happening in the kid's life. These themes can be instructed in a delicate way, yet it appears to be evident that if our youngsters find out about maladies, conception prevention, and the duties of sex, they will at any rate be a little more shrewd when settling on their choice. Works Cited Glazer, Sarah. Sex Education: How Well Does It Work? Editorial Research Reports. 23 June 1989. Haas, Dr. Kurt, and Dr. Adelaide Haas. Getting Sexuality. third ed. New York: Mosby, 1993. Arranged Parenthood. AZ Fact Sheet. 3 Feb. 1999. 12 Feb.1999. Shaker Heights Teen Health Corps. Adolescent Pregnancy. 3 Jan. 1999. 12 Feb. 1999

Saturday, August 22, 2020

JHCP STOCK ANALYSIS REPORT :: essays research papers

JHCP CO. STOCK ANALYSIS REPORT  â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â  â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â Dear Investor: New York City, NY. Based J. Holla Cell telephone CO. is quickly developing as one of America’s most regarded makers and wholesalers of exactness made PDA items. Minimal effort PDAs for application in business, business, and buyers phone advertises across the country. JHCP is posting excellent income gains while actualizing a large group of new and refined center techniques that have effectively dispensed with over $ 9 million in corporate obligation, significantly improved efficiencies and set up for quickened development and winning admirably into what's to come. Since its origin, JHCP has increased great piece of the pie in an appeal industry. For ten back to back years the market for phone has developed at an uncommon pace of half per season. Without any indications of easing back down, industry investigators anticipate this pattern will proceed through the present year and addition further force. With high volume limit and a wide scope of standard items. JHCP is situated at the fore-front of this blossoming market. Venture ANALYSIS JHCP is in astounding budgetary wellbeing, with a strong accounting report and solid and developing income. Outfitted with a built up and extending client base and a full supplement of accuracy PDA items, JHCP is obviously situated to profit by the flooding across the country interest for practical cell items. The company’s current development program during that time of 2009 is relied upon to significantly support corporate incomes and profit and make JHCP into an amazing national mobile phone maker and supplier. In light of the company’s great detailed development rate in the course of recent months and current extension crusade, J. Holla Cell telephone (OTCBB: JHCP) is viewed as one of the top developing development issues for 2003. Late NEWS As of late a second fare shipment of mobile phones to the Caribbean which finishes a 600,000 round request. Our endeavors to extend are paying off. Motivations TO BUY THIS STOCK 1.     JHCP firmly situated in multi-billion dollar national market for practical innovation. 2.     JHCP rising as one of the all around perceived and regarded makers and wholesalers of high accuracy, ease mobile phone items.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Research Paper on ‘Crime and Punishment’ Essay Example

Research Paper on ‘Crime and Punishment’ Essay ‘Crime and Punishment’ by Dostoevsky Analysis â€Å"Crime and Punishment† is one of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s most critical works. It is a story of homicide and distress, sin and blame, amends and sadness. It is an account of one path †from sins to the moment of retribution. Human instinct is continually adjusting nearly shadow and light. In some cases it is a holy person, however some of the time it is prepared for a transgression. The dark shade of insidiousness and blemish is frequently gone up against with white shade of good and exemplary nature. Each spirit is set up to make a stage to cross this dainty skirt and to slaughter, to take, to disregard Christian lifestyle and †thus †to lose moral tidiness. Christianity makes certain to be a social control with specific good code. Such sins as murder, lying, insatiability, taking are so normal for individuals, that occasionally they even don’t feel remorseful, don’t lament. It is the principle flaw in Christendom since God makes certain to pardon each humble heathen. We will compose a custom exposition test on Research Paper on ‘Crime and Punishment’ explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Research Paper on ‘Crime and Punishment’ explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Research Paper on ‘Crime and Punishment’ explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The possibility of the novel, to the extent I can see, is to show an expansive world structure, a structure of the mental universe of brain, a structure holding the system together and to delineate their job in making and devastating an individual little universe of an individual. Fyodor Dostoyevsky portrays capably the profoundly human dramatization of Raskolnikov, a delicate scholarly determined by destitution and the conviction of his exclusion from the ethical law. The creator gives a provocative gander at the human inspirations of fixation and ownership with undaunted philosophical and moral understanding. The pundits ordinarily announced that in Raskolnikov, Dostoevsky had insulted all understudies and that the character was a crazy person whom Dostoevsky endeavored to depict as average of the more youthful age. Dostoevsky portrayed the contemporary social reality. It is important to concede that Raskolnikov’s killing of the old moneylender was the aftereffect of his des perate neediness and that, actually, Raskolnikov’s position in the public eye left him no other option however murder and theft if he somehow managed to keep body and soul together, and in the end understand his huge normal capacities Raskolnikov †a youngster of white collar class root who is living in need ousted from the college. From shallow and frail reasoning, having been impacted by explicit â€Å"unfinished† thoughts noticeable all around, he chooses to get himself out of a troublesome circumstance rapidly by slaughtering an elderly person, a usurer, and widow of an administration worker. The elderly person is insane, hard of hearing, wiped out, insatiable, and insidious. She charges corrupt paces of intrigue, eats up the prosperity of others, and, having diminished her more youthful sister to the condition of a worker, mistreats her with work. She is useless. â€Å"Why does she live?† â€Å"Is she helpful to anybody at all?† These and different inquiries convey the youngster. A run of the mill for all occasions and all generations’ dream †to be rich and glad †makes Raskolnikov sin against the lows of society and the lows of Christianity. He chooses to slaughter and ransack the old moneylender to make his mom, who is living in the regions, upbeat. He wishes to spare his sister from the lewd insistences of the leader of the home where she is filling in as a lady’s buddy. At that point he needs to complete his examinations, travel to another country and be for an incredible remainder fair, firm, and determined in satisfying his philanthropic obligation toward mankind. As indicated by him, this would â€Å"make up for the crime.† After the demonstration, the mental procedure of the wrongdoing unfurls. Questions which he can't resolve well up in the killer; sentiments he had not predicted or suspected torment his heart. God’s truth and common law cause significant damage, and he feels constrained finally to surrender himself. He is constrained regardless of whether it implies biting the dust in jail, with the goal that he may indeed be a piece of the individuals. The sentiment of division and seclusion from mankind, nature, and the law of truth incur significant damage. The criminal chooses to acknowledge enduring to recover hi s deed. â€Å"Crime and Punishment† †the title of this novel makes certain to contain the primary thought of the Dostoevsky’s work. Hence, this excellent mental human dramatization shows not a solitary individual fall, however various: each individual in this novel is paying for their imperfection. That’s why we can watch this book as an all-inclusive exhibition of hopeless payers to Fate or Heaven. The old moneylender had paid for her eagerness and impropriety. Raskolnikov †the apparatus of Heaven to rebuff the covetous old pawnbroker †had paid for his glad and murder. Different people in the novel were paying for their dread and shortcoming to change something in their lives with perpetual despondency and sadness. Here is a sensible and clear Dostoevsky’s world viewpoint: everything in our lives relies upon our ethical force and capacity to make the issue that is finally too much to bear of enduring the initial step to the light, not to the hazine ss of violations since God can see everything and he pays for our deeds. That’s why any day of your life can transform into the Day of retribution. Sources:

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dmd Case Analysis of Making a Decision of Buying a House

Assignment Form |Course: | Data, Model and Decision | |Instructor: | Dr. Feng Haolin | |Homework: |Decision Analysis | |Name: | Group 1. Li Yuechuan/ Pankaj Malhotra/ Liang Yuan/ Wu Zhuhua/ Tan Jing/ Gu Junling | |Student ID No.: | | |Class: |11FB†¦show more content†¦In the case, structuring the problem is as below: (1) How to make our offer when there is only one bidder and multiple bidder? (2) What is Decision Node, what is the Event Node? (3) What is the probability of each event node? Analyzing the problem is as below: (1) Evaluate options and find out the best way of offers; (2) Select the best choice. Part.3 Decision Tree [pic] Chart 1 Decision Tree First of all, Debbie and George (DG) have three choices to make offer with $390,000, 400,000 and 405,000 respectively. Take offer $390,000 for example, the probability of acceptance for this offer is 0.3, whereas probability of rejection is 0.7. If it is accepted, the deal is made for $390,000. On the other hand, if it is rejected, DG will have three alternatives at second stages, which are withdraw offer, remain same offer and increase offer by 5,000 respectively. The probabilities of The EMV of these three choices are 0, 4,000 and 4,500, as calculated in the decision tree. Hence the decision F will take the highest EMV value of 4,500. Afterwards, we summarize decision E and F according to their weight, and get the EMV for event B as 5,550. Likewise, we can get EMV of event B and C as 5,300 and 3,800 respectively. Part.4 Sensitivity Analysis, From the decision tree above, the main data include two parts, the price and the percentage of acceptance, so the basic calculation is as followed:Show MoreRelatedLiquor Industry in India4974 Words   |  20 PagesWoodpecker, Power, Legend. The various IMFL brands are Legend Premium Whisky, Sunny Malt Whiskey, and Gypsy Fine Whiskey. Run is sold under the flagship of Black Fort and Gin is sold under the brand Blue Chip. * Chairman- J K Arora * Address – SOM House 23, Zone II, Maharana Pratap Nagar Bhopal – 462011 * Phone +91-755-4278827 * Email: * Website: Tilaknagar Industries TI Industries which was known as The Maharashtra Sugar Mills LimitedRead MoreStudy on Customer Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction at Credit Card in the Context of Prime Bank Limited†12516 Words   |  51 Pagessale information in this business. The broad objective of the study is to draw an overall view of the satisfaction level of the credit card user of the Prime Bank Ltd. and then identify how to improve the level. The specific focuses of the study are analysis of the satisfaction level of the card users of The Prime Bank Ltd., comparing their product and service offerings with other issuers, judging cardholders’ level of satisfaction, and exploring the opportunities and competitive advantages that canRead MoreConsumer Credit12385 Words   |  50 Pagescredit card, online banking, mobile banking, ATM card etc are some of the outcomes of this continuous innovation and improvement. The technological innovations make the consumer more knowledgeable and persuade them to put more thinking in their buying decision. With the involvement of foreign and local banks the competition are on its peak. So only improving the product is not enough to be competitive in the market. Enhancing the service quality is also becoming very important .There are abundant opportunities

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Administrative Justice Procedural Fairness

Question: Discuss about theAdministrative Justicefor Procedural Fairness. Answer: Introduction Administrative justice is a relatively new concept as compared to the traditional judicial adjudication of disputes. Administrative justice provided by administrative law institutions based upon the administrative law principles. Administrative law is a combination of fundamental values of justice delivery system such as rule of law, accountability, procedural fairness, better decision making.[1]At its core, administrative justice is a philosophy that in administrative decision making the rights and interests of individuals should be properly safeguarded.[2]James Galligan advised that the main object of administrative justice is to provide fair treatment to all persons in accordance with the procedure prescribed in statutory scheme, along with other sources. The basic notion of administrative justice is to apply authoritative standards accurately and not just in aggregate.[3] Administrative justice can be achieved if it is assessable, affordable and timely. An administrative justice system would fail in case it does not provide for a comprehensive system of judicial review, reasoned decisions, access to government held information, resourced ombudsman and commissioner of complaints, who possess power to review executive action.[4] This paper examines conceptualization of administrative justice to determine whether the procedural requirements of met in just, reasonable and fair manner. Judicial review has facilitated the notion of administrative justice by enabling the courts to access the validity of judicial decisions. How administrative justice should be conceptualized Overview Major components of administrative law in Australia is judicial review of the process of administrative decisions by courts, review of merits by administrative appeals tribunals and investigation of administrative actions by ombudsman or commissioners of complaints. These bodies were mostly established in the 1970s. Towards the end of the century the Australian constitution included Section 75(v), which confers jurisdiction on High Court to restrain commonwealth officers from exceeding their federal powers, by issuing writ of mandamus, prohibition and injunction, the provision guaranteed judicial review. The Kerr committees report in 1971envisaged the importance of external judicial and merits review agencies which safeguard the interests of the people affected by executive decision. The elements of the recommendations proposed by Kerr, Bland and Ellicot committee reports were implemented in three parliament enactments, first the Administrative Appeals tribunal Act, 1975 (Cwlth), second the Ombudsman Act, 1976 (Cwlth) and third the Administrative Decision (Judicial review) Act, 1977 (Cwlth), these legislation also conferred a right on the persons who were aggrieved by the executive decision, upon request,to written statement wherein reason for the decision would be mentioned.[5] Before the parliament enactments most of the administrative law decisions were influenced by the foundation of judicial review laid by common law on the basis of series of English courts decisions. Ridge vs. Baldwin[6] laid the application of the principles of natural justice on administrative decisions.[7] In Padfield vs. Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food[8] it was held that ministerial board discretions should be subject to administrative law review.[9]Enactment of Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act, 1975 led to a reform in administrative law, the decisionsgiven by the executive arm of the government which affected rights and privileges of citizens were reviewed by general tribunals, which was the first of its kind.[10] The judicial arm of the government then in alignment with the legislative reforms lay down by the parliament. The most prominent example of the same can be seen in R vs. Mackellar; Ex parte Ratu[11] where the court held that it is not mandatory to observe principles of doctrine of natural justice in case of deciding deportation of a person from Australia in case that person has exceeded the limit of stay as lay in the visitors visa. The judiciary would not formulate rules so as to ascertain whether a persons entry in Australia should be permitted or rejected.[12]The position changed in 1995 when the courts observed that in case of immigration the ministerial discretion would be restricted by the international treaties adopted by Australia.[13] Courts' development in principles and doctrines for the assessment of the lawfulness of executive decision making The Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act lay that it is the tribunals obligation was to reach at preferable and correct decision. The tribunal has to determine whether the decision rendered by an administrative body is correct and preferable in pursuance of the policy laid by the legislature, the tribunal does no hold authority to adjudicate upon the merits of the case. The function of the tribunal is to determine as to whether the decision rendered by the decision maker is correct or preferable on the basis of the material before it and not to determine whether the decision of the decision maker is one of the correct or preferable decisions on the basis of the materials available before it.[14] Authority of the tribunal is not limited to the review legal errors only; instead the tribunal has to address same questions which were addressed by the original decision maker, wh ere there is no statutory limit in the tribunal doing so. Tribunal has to test the decision against the requirements of good government, as it is acting as a government administration instrument.[15]The tribunal has to review the actual decision made by the decision maker and not the reasons for rendering that decision. The principle of natural justice as enunciated in Section 5(1)(a) of the Administrative Decision (Judicial review) Act is interpreted to include duty to inquire,[16] legitimate expectations of applicant, provided there is no estoppel in public law,[17] rational evidence must be present so as to ascertain proportionality,[18] as it is asserted that principles of natural justice should not only be confined to procedural matters as it would result in illusion of fairness, hence inquiry of, the consideration of material evidence also forms part of natural justice.[19]The doctrine of legitimate expectation is a part of procedural fairness, in modern courts.[20] Modern Approach - Substantive Outcomes and Quality of the Decision and the Facilitation of 'Administrative justice' Overview State theory lays the foundation of administrative theory. Reasoned decision and judicial review is the touchstones of Australian administrative law. Rule of law over administrative actions is enforced by judicial review. Introduction of Section 39B in Judiciary Act, 1903 andthe jurisdiction conferred upon Australian constitution under Section 75(v) and to the Supreme Court under Section 73(ii) ensures judicial review of administrative actions. Section 71 vests the high court with judicial power over the commonwealth. The power of the high court to hear appeals from Supreme Court ensures the position of high court as federal Supreme Court. Judicial review of administrative decisions can be done on the basis of jurisdictional error, non-compliance with the doctrine of procedural fairness or natural justice and in case of delivery of unreasonable decisions by taking into account irrational considerations. The three grounds for judicial review are discussed in detail below: Natural Justice Natural Justice is a common law doctrine, it possess two components, first right to be herd and second rule against bias and provides procedural safeguard against administrative decision making.[21]One aspect of natural justice is procedural fairness. In Kioa vs. West[22] referring to the judgment of Wiseman vs. Borneman[23]it was held that in the context of administrative justice it is duty of the decision makers to act fairly and to abide to the rule of procedural fairness. Procedural fairness requires that the procedure adopted by decision making body should be fair it is immaterial whether the outcome is fair or not.[24] The courts are required to determine whether the procedural fairness requirement has been met or not they do not have jurisdiction to cure administrative injustice.[25] Procedural fairness should be observed in cases where decisions affect the rights, interests and legitimate expectations of people. Failure to take into Account a Relevant Consideration Judicial review of the administrative decisions includes reviewing the decision on the basis of reasonableness. Legislature confers statutory discretionary power on administrative bodies, and this power is to be exercised reasonably. Unreasonable was defined as a decision which is so unreasonable that no reasonable decision maker could have ever arrived at it.[26]Unreasonableness depends upon the potential subjectivity of the merits of a case and the legality of the decision.[27]The decision maker has failed to take into account relevant consideration, may be used in a way to review merits of a case, these grounds can fairly be used where the statute has not prescribed a list of considerations which must be taken into account. This ground can possibly be taken only in circumstances where it can be shown before the court that the decision maker failed to take into account a reasonable consideration which he was obligated to take account of, from the matters placed before him, so as to enable him to exercise his discretionary decision making power in a valid manner.[28] Jurisdictional Error To determine jurisdictional error it is essential to understand the scope of power and authority held by decision making body. Jurisdictional error occurs when the administrative decision making body fails to fulfill its statutory duty, or the decision has been rendered by him without observing procedural fairness.[29]In Craig vs. South Australia[30] it was held that jurisdictional error would occur in case wherein an administrative tribunal falls into error of law which results in identification of a wrong issue, ignorance of relevant material and placing reliance on irrelevant material, or reach at erroneous or mistaken conclusion or exercise of power/authority is thereby affected in a way that it is exceeded. Has Administrative justice been Achieved? In legal parlance administrative justice includes procedural fairness, reasoned decision and judicial review. ADJR Act introduced a rational and simplified regime of judicial review. Federal courts and the state courts entrusted with the power to exercise federal jurisdiction have been into more principled relationship, to the extent of the statutory power and authorities entrusted upon them.[31] Australian exceptionalism is largely influenced by the consideration of separation of powers. The marks of the influence can be seen in the development of the principles of unreasonableness, jurisdictional error and rejection of proportionality as the grounds for judicial review.[32]The administrative councils advise and recommendations have enabled the shaping of administrative justice system as to what it is at present. The success of ombudsman can be endorsed to the individuals who were appointed to the office. Entrusting the jurisdiction of merits review on AAT is milestone in the admini strative adjudication as the part III of the constitution enabled the courts to review executive decision on legal error basis. Hence it can be rightly asserted that the objective of enactment of the parliament legislations governing administrative justice system on the recommendations laid by Kerr committee has been achieved. Conclusion Administrative justice cannot be achieved only by having appropriate rules, institutions and statutory standards. In practice administrative justice depends upon the culture reflected by ministers, statutory office holders, administrative review tribunals, departmental officers, and courts.[33] As discussed in the paper Administrative Justice can be achieved if it is affordable and accessible, codification of the common law principle of judicial review has led to positive development of administrative adjudication. As McMillan stated that the expectation of people to have high standards of government decision does not necessarily mean that the work of courts be increased, so as to secure the expectation reliance should be placed on tribunals, ombudsman, councils. Administrative justice is the key component of good governance, the concept of administrative justice is an ever changing component of the society which needs to be kept under constant surveillance. Bibliography Articles/Books/Reports Anthony Mason, Delivering administrative justice: looking back with pride, moving forward with concern (Paper presented at AIAL 2010 National Administrative Law Forum Conference, 22 July 2010) Andrew Edgar, Public and private interests in Australian administrative law (2013) 36(1) UNSW Law Journal, 202 Chief Justice Robert French, Administrative justice word in search of meaning (Paper presented at the Australian institute of administrative law annual conference national administrative law forum 2010, 22 July 2010). Dr. David Bennett, Balancing judicial review and merits review (Paper presented at Administrative Law Conference, 27 September 1999) Justice Deirdre O'Connor, Administrative decision- makers in Australia: the search for best practice (Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Administrative Justice, Quebec, 17 - 20 June 2001) Justice R S French, Administrative justice in Australian administrative law in Robin Creyke and John McMillan (eds), Administrative justice the core and the fringe (Australian institute of administrative law, 2000) 20 Kerrie OCallaghan and Michelle Howard, Promoting administrative justice: the correct and preferable decision and the role of government policy in the determination (2013) 32(1) University of Queensland Law Journal, 171 Matthew Groves, Administrative justice in Australian administrative law (2011) 66 The Australian Institute of Administrative Law 20 Matthew Groves, Exclusion of rules of natural justice (2013) 39(2) Monash University LawReview, 285 Mark A Robinson, Administrative law update (Paper presented at Public Sector In-House Counsel Seminar, Canberra, 28 August 2006) MRLL Kelly, Does the expansion of judicial review pose a threat to democratic governance? (Paper presented at the AIAL 2011 National Administrative Law Conference, Canberra, 22 July 2011) Note, The Australian scene: Federal or Commonwealth law (2007) 20(3) Canadian Journal of Administrative Law Practice, 241 Note, Reasonableness, proportionality and merits review (Paper presented at New South Wales Young Lawyers Public Law CLE Seminar, The Law Society, Sydney, 24 September 2008) Robin Creyke, Administrative justice - towards integrity in government (2007) 31 Melbourne University Law Review715-6 Robin Creyke and John McMillan, Administrative justice the concept emerges in Robin Creyke and John McMillan (eds), Administrative justice the core and the fringe (Australian institute of administrative law, 2000) 1 Cases Annetts vs. McCann (1990) 170 CLR 596 Associated Provisional Picture Houses Ltd vs. Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223 Attorney-General (NSW) vs.Quin(1990) 170 CLR 1 Australian Broadcasting Tribunal vs. Bond (1990) 170 CLR 321 Banks vs. Transport Regulation Board(1968) 119 CLR 222 Craig vs. South Australia (1995) 184 CLR 163 Drake vs. Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (1979) 24 ALR 577 Kable vs. DPP (1996) 189 CLR 51 Kioa vs. West (1985) 159 CLR 550 MIEA vs.Kurtovic (1990) 21 FCR 19 Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Teoh(1995) 183 CLR 273 Padfield v Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food [1968] AC 997 R vs. Mackellar; Ex parte Ratu (1977) 137 CLR 461 R vs. Toohey; Ex parte Northern Land Council(1981) 151 CLR 170 Re Becker and Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (1977) ALD 158 Ridge vs. Baldwin [1964] AC 40 Salemi vs. Mackellar (No. 2)(1977) 137 CLR 396. Sean Investments vs. MacKellar (1981) 38 ALR 363 Shi vs. Migration Agents Registration Authority (2008) 248 ALR 390 Simsek vs. Macphee(1982) 148 CLR 636 SZBEL vs. Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs(2006) 228 CLR 152 Teoh vs. MIEA (1994) 49 FCR 409 Wiseman vs. Borneman [1971] AC 297 Legislations Administrative Appeals tribunal Act, 1975 (Cwlth) Administrative Decision (Judicial review) Act, 1977 (Cwlth) Australian Constitution Judiciary Act, 1903 Ombudsman Act, 1976 (Cwlth) Other Sources Administrative Review Council, Scope of judicial review Australian Law Reform Commission, Procedural fairness: A common law duty, Federal court of Australia, Natural justice or procedural fairness (4 September 2015) Politics and Public Administration Group, Parliament and administrative law, (7 November 2000) Salvos legal, Finding of fact and jurisdictional error (14 November, 2015) UKAJI, Administrative justice - a primer for policymakers and those working in thesystem (9 September 2016)

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Why Do We Read Literature Essay Sample free essay sample

First. Literature Defined:* â€Å"The creative activity of literature is a uniquely human activity. Born of man’s timeless desire to understand. express. and eventually portion experiences. † * Literature is â€Å"a concrete artefact — a narrative. a verse form. or a play† * â€Å"The medium of interlingual rendition. of class. is linguistic communication. the written and spoken word. † * â€Å"When we speak of literature. nevertheless. we have in head a particular sort of linguistic communication that differs from the ordinary discourse with which we conduct our day-to-day personal businesss. The term literature. . . refers to linguistic communication that is intentionally structured in such a manner as to hold identifiable artistic qualities. † 1. ) Reading for Vicarious Escape* Literature can offer â€Å"exciting narrations that can be read uncritically merely because they allow us to get away the jobs and duties of our mundane lives and to take part. nevertheless briefly. in a universe of experience that differs radically from our ain. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Do We Read Literature? Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † * Examples: the undercover agent or detective narrative ; scientific discipline fiction ; historical novels * We read for the merriment of it. * â€Å"Many plants of literature. classics every bit good as paper-back book mush. last exactly because they win in temporarily detaching us from clip and topographic point and transporting us to some fanciful universe that we otherwise would neer cognize. † * â€Å"Although some people tend to see such a motivation as stripling or even philistine. the fact remains that literature flourishes. in portion at least. because of the freedom and get away it affords our imaginativeness. † * And for those plants which do non look like â€Å"escape. † we should inquire what they have that have led them to â€Å"survive† over clip! 2. ) Reading to Learn* â€Å"Literature offers the reader ‘knowledge’ in the signifier of information. . . information that at the clip is all the more absorbing because it is portion of the author’s re-created universe. † * â€Å"Literature read in this manner serves as a societal papers. giving us insight into the Torahs. imposts. establishments. attitudes. and values of the age in which it was written or in which it is set. † * Literature â€Å"broadens our cognition of the universe. [ However. ] non all of this ‘knowledge’ is peculiarly valuable ; and much of it will be disregarded rapidly. Some of it may. in fact. turn out to be misdirecting or even false. and as such must ever be checked and verified against other beginnings. † 3. ) Reading to Confront Experience* â€Å"One of the most compelling facets of literature is its relationship to human experience. Reading is an act of battle and engagement. It is besides. at the same time. an act of elucidation and find. Literature allows us. as possibly no other medium can. the opportunity to get the better of the restrictions of our ain subjectiveness and those restrictions imposed by sex. age. societal and economic status. and the times in which we live. Literary characters offer us immediate entree to a broad scope of human experiences we otherwise might neer cognize. As readers we observe these characters’ private every bit good as public lives. and go toilet to their innermost ideas. feelings. and motives. It is the really familiarity of this entree that explains why psychologists have traditionally found inventive literature a rich beginning for instance surveies to exemplify theories of personality and behaviour. † [ For illustration. the Oed ipal composite! ] * â€Å"The relationship between literature and experience. nevertheless. is a mutual one. Merely as literature allows us to take part in the experience of others. so excessively it has the power to form and change our attitudes and outlooks. To cognize why we identify with one character and non another may state us about the sort of individual we are or aspire to be. If we are sensitive and perceptive readers. we have much to larn from these brushs. which can enrich the quality and impact the way of our lives. though the precise effects of these brushs are impossible to foretell and will change from one reader to another. One grade of a ‘great’ work of literature is its ability to hold an consequence on the reader. In the same manner. it is this affectional power of fiction. play. and poesy that helps to explicate the endurance of those plants we regard as classics. [ Works ] survive as classics because they have offered coevalss of readers the chance to clear up and possibly even modify their positions of life and besides because they shed life on the comple xness and ambiguity of human being. including the reader’s ain. † 4. ) Reading for Aesthetic Pleasure* â€Å"Literature can besides be read for the sheer aesthetic pleasance we take in good workmanship of any sort. ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ is a phrase the poet John Keats has given us ; well-ordered and happy words are one of the few signifiers of immortality. Despite its other utilizations. a verse form. a drama. or a novel is a self-contained work of art. with a definable and describable construction and texture: it can be approached and appreciated on footings that are unambiguously its ain. What distinguishes literature from other signifiers of artistic looks is its trust on construction and manner in linguistic communication. Sensitive and experient readers will react to happy words. though they many non be ab initio witting of precisely what they are reacting to. or why. When that response is a positive 1. we speak of our sense of pleasance or delectation. in much the same manner that we respond to a picture. a piece of sculpture. or a musical composing. If we push our enquiry farther and seek to analyse our response. we begin to travel in the way of literary unfavorable judgment. † On Literary Criticism:* â€Å"Rumor to the contrary. literary unfavorable judgment is non an exercising in human inventiveness that professors of English engage in for its ain interest. Neither is the word unfavorable judgment to be confused with the sort of negativity and mistake determination we sometimes encounter in acerb book reappraisals. The fact of the affair is that the more we learn about how to near a narrative. verse form. or drama. the greater our grasp of a genuinely great work becomes. and greater still the sense of pleasance and enjoyment we can deduce from it. Literary unfavorable judgment is nil more. or less. than an effort to clear up. explicate. and measure our experience with a given literary work. Properly understood and properly employed. literary unfavorable judgment allows us to raise and so reply. nevertheless tentatively. certain basic inquiries about an author’s accomplishment and about the ways in which he or she achieved it. It besides allows us to organize some judgements about the comparative virtue or quality of the work as a whole. † * â€Å"Like all organized Fieldss of academic survey. the survey of literature remainders on at least three cardinal premises that critics and readers must be willing to accept. * Literary unfavorable judgment. foremost of all. presupposes that a work of literary art contains certain important relationships and forms of significance that the reader-critic can retrieve and portion. Without such anterior understanding. of class. there can be no unfavorable judgment. for by definition there would be nil worthy of communicating. * Second. literary unfavorable judgment presupposes the ability of the reader-turned-critic to interpret his experience of the work into rational footings that can be communicated to and understood by others. * Third. literary unfavorable judgment presupposes that the critic’s experience of the work. one time organized and articulated. will be by and large compatible with the experience of other readers. This is non to connote that critics and other readers will ever see oculus to oculus. for of class they do non and neer will. It is to state that to be valid and valuable the critic’s reading of a work must harmonize. at least in a general manner. with what other intelligent readers over a sensible period of clip are willing to hold on and accept. † A Warning about Analysis:* â€Å"The analytical method. it should be noted. is merely one of a figure of attacks taken by critics in their geographic expedition and survey of literature. It is true that by concentrating our attending entirely on the literary work we run the hazard of minimising. or disregarding wholly. many other factors that might otherwise contribute to our apprehension. With the analytical method. for illustration. we tend to overlook * the author’s purpose in composing the work. * the relationship between the work and the author’s life and experience. * or the even broader relationship between the work and the historical civilization in which it was written and to which it was originally directed. * The analytical method besides tends to disregard the critical relationship of literature to human experience in general and to the reader’s ain experiences in peculiar. †

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Learn About Education and Schools in Virginia

Learn About Education and Schools in Virginia When it comes to education and schools, all states are not created equal. States and local governments possess almost all of the power when it comes to governing education and schools.   Because of this, you will find key differences in education-related policy across all fifty states and the District of Columbia. You will continue to find distinct differences even between neighboring districts thanks to local control. Highly debated educational topics such as the Common Core State Standards, teacher evaluations, school choice, charter schools, and teacher tenure are handled differently by almost every state.   These and other key educational issues typically fall along controlling political party lines. This ensures that a student in one state will likely be receiving a different variation of education than their peers in neighboring states. These differences make it virtually impossible to accurately compare the quality of education   one state is providing compared to another. You must utilize several common data points to make connections and draw conclusions about the quality of education any particular state is providing. This profile focuses on education and schools in Virginia.   Virginia Education and Schools Virginia Department of Education Virginia Superintendent of Public Instruction: Dr. Steven R. Staples District/School Information Length of School Year: A minimum of 180 school days or 540 (K) and 990 (1-12) school hours are required by Virginia state law. Number of Public School Districts: There are 130 public school districts in Virginia. Number of Public Schools: There are 2192 public schools in Virginia. **** Number of Students Served in Public Schools: There are 1,257,883 public school students in Virginia. **** Number of Teachers in Public Schools: There are 90,832 public school teachers in Virginia.**** Number of Charter Schools: There are 4 charter schools in Virginia. Per Pupil Spending: Virginia spends $10,413 per pupil in public education. **** Average Class Size: The average class size In Virginia is 13.8 students per 1 teacher. **** % of Title I Schools: 26.8% of schools in Virginia are Title I Schools.**** % With Individualized Education Programs (IEP): 12.8% of students in Virginia are on IEPs. **** % in Limited-English Proficiency Programs: 7.2% of students in Virginia are in limited-English Proficient Programs.**** % of Student Eligible for Free/Reduced Lunches: 38.3% of students in Virginia schools are eligible for free/reduced lunches.**** Ethnic/Racial Student Breakdown**** White: 53.5% Black: 23.7% Hispanic: 11.8% Asian: 6.0% Pacific Islander: 0.1% American Indian/Alaskan Native: 0.3% School Assessment Data Graduation Rate: 81.2% of all students entering high school in Virginia graduate. ** Average ACT/SAT score: Average ACT Composite Score: 23.1*** Average Combined SAT Score: 1533***** 8th grade NAEP assessment scores:**** Math: 288 is the scaled score for 8th grade students in Virginia. The U.S. average was 281. Reading: 267 is the scaled score for 8th grade students in Virginia. The U.S. average was 264. % of Students Who Attend College after High School: 63.8% of students in Virginia go on to attend some level of college. *** Private Schools Number of Private Schools: There are 638 private schools in Virginia.* Number of Students Served in Private Schools: There are 113,620 private school students in Virginia.* Homeschooling Number of Students Served Through Homeschooling: There were an estimated 34,212 students that were homeschooled in Virginia in 2015.# Teacher Pay The average teacher pay for the state of Virginia was $49,869 in 2013.## Each individual district in the state of Virginia negotiates teacher salaries and establishes their own teacher salary schedule. The following is an example of a teacher salary schedule in Virginia provided by the Richmond Public School *Data courtesy of Education Bug . **Data courtesy of ***Data courtesy of PrepScholar. ****Data courtesy of the National Center for Education Statistics ******Data courtesy of The Commonwealth Foundation #Data courtesy of ##Average salary courtesy of National Center of Education Statistics ###Disclaimer:   The information provided on this page changes frequently.   It will be updated regularly as new information and data becomes available.